Monday, July 15, 2024

What happened to Molly Young?

“Hi, uh, we have a person at my living facility we believe to be dead.” This is the first line of the 911 call placed by Molly Young’s ex-boyfriends roommate on March 24, 2012. Halfway through the call, her ex-boyfriend would take over.

This is one of those things that is pretty shocking when you first hear it. Not only the words, but calm demeanor of Wes Romack who supposedly just woke up to find his roommates' ex-girlfriend dead. “Like he was ordering a pizza.” It is the way that this call has been described. Not too long into the call, Wes hands the phone off to Richie Minton, who is a dispatcher in the town of Carbondale, Il. Richie tells the dispatcher, who he knows by first name, that his girlfriend “just committed suicide” and “overdosed and bled out through her nose.” Reflecting the same calm demeanor as Wes.

Right from the get-go this whole scene seems set off red flags. It seems strange that Wes would make the call rather than Richie in the first place. Molly was inside of Richie’s room, so you would think that the first thing he would have tried to do was wake her up. Getting more panicked that she wasn’t responding, then looking for his phone to call 911. Then he wakes up his roommate and has him call? I mean, if I found someone that I cared about on the floor in my room and I couldn’t get them to wake up I think I would be rushing the dispatchers. You know, hurry, send help, she isn’t breathing. Something that would display some sort of shock. I mean like...anything. It just seems absent of any emotion at all.

Not long after hanging up, Richie would place a second call to the Carbondale police department on their regular number. Asking the dispatcher to send the Sargent because he just found his gun under Molly’s body. Then he apologizes for being late, again coming off amazingly calm for the situation that is unfolding around him.

Unfortunately, these are not the only things about the 911 calls that don’t seem to make any sense. Richie had supposedly texted Molly the night before asking for help because he was drunk and throwing up on himself. Molly leaving her house sometime after 2 am to go over to “help” Richie. According to Richie, he didn’t wake up until people started to text him from Carbondale PD because he was late for his shift, which started at 7am. Which is strange when you consider that Richie said he was woken by his phone. As we already know, Richie had his roommate Wes make the 911 call on his phone. Even stranger than still is former Chief of police for Carbondale saying that Richie had in fact called before 9 am to say that he was going to be late. I found this a little shocking myself, so I am even going out of my way to link this information. This is from Crime Watch Daily. The part I am referencing starts around the 30-min mark.

If the two 911 calls weren't enough to raise red flags that something strange had happened here, the way that Molly supposedly “killed herself” should at least raises eyebrows. With the way that the bullet made the wound, Molly would have had to have the gun in her left hand, reached above her head, and shot herself downwards. From what Molly’s family claims, not only did Molly hate guns, she was also right-handed.

If at this point you are asking why LE didn’t pick up on something being really strange here, I might have the answer to that question. Both of Richie Milton's parents in some form worked for law enforcement. His father specifically did forensic’s on computers and cell phones. This is another point that has been raised by Molly’s family. Is it possible that Molly’s phone was tampered with before the 911 call was placed. I normally would consider this a stretch, but given Richie’s father’s profession and that some of the neighbors reported that police had knocked on their door BEFORE the 911 calls were placed, I would have to at the bare minimum say that there is some room for doubt and question.

I find it even more strange that Richie Minton’s laptop wasn’t collected by police until 2 months after the whole incident. Meanwhile, investigators showed up to Molly’s house and collected items that seem to point directly at her being suicidal. Which included her laptop. Her family again defends some of the things that she wrote when she thought that she might have cancer. If you have never been around someone that has been suicidal, trust me, if you live with them, you are going to be able to tell. So in this case I believe the family.

While this may come off as somewhat confusing when you play the details out like they seemed to have happened that night. Richie was texting some other woman, when she didn’t go for his advances, he texted Molly. Then whatever happened at the apartment that night happened. Around 7 am the chief of police says (on video that I posted) that Richie called in late. Police officers were seen at his apartment complex before the 911 call was placed. Two really odd calls we placed that seemed to be devoid of all emotion. The police show up, allow Richie to change and wash his hands. Don’t take his phone. Richie Lawyers up. LE searches Molly’s room, seemingly to friend evidence of Molly trying to harm herself.

What I can say with a lot of certainty that if my kid had died in this sort of situation, I would be asking the same questions. This family lost the right to be able to sue for wrongful death, was denied FOIA requests even for the 911 calls at first, and seemingly diagnosed as suicidal from people who are not qualified to make that determination.

In my opinion this case should be looked at a little closer.

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