Thursday, July 11, 2024

Billy Smolinski. Missing since 2004.

I want to start here with this just because it is note worthy. This is the first and only case that I have found where I have heard anything like this. Here is a person’s mother looking for their child, and here is Billy Smolinski’s most recent ex-girlfriend, who is a mother of 5, ripping down his missing posters. Billy Smolinski’s mother would eventually get arrested for harassing her sons former girlfriend for get this…. Putting up the missing posters…... to harass her. I still to this day find it shocking.

Let’s get into Billy’s case a little more before we come back to this because the case in itself is pretty strange. So since I started at sort of a middle point, let me dial this all the way back because this case usually told from the perspective of LE. What I mean by that is the investigation starts a few days after he was last seen, and that is not for a lack of trying on the family’s part.

So what I have gathered about Billy was that he was a hard working car guy. Usually had more than one job, and also buying cars on the side, fixing them up and then selling them. He was 31 at the time he went missing and owned his own home. He had separated from his long time girlfriend Mary Ellen Noble a year or more before which was described as mutual. Since Billy and Mary Ellen Noble had gotten the dog while they were together, Billy would call her to take care of the dog while he was away. (This is significant because mary Ellen Noble was watching the dog while Billy and Madeline were on vacation in Florida.

One of Billy’s jobs was working at a bus company. Whether or not they had met while working at the bus company together I am unsure of that fact, but they did work there together at the bus company during their relationship. What makes this significant is that Madeline (Billy’s more recent girlfriend) had been cheating on him with their boss from the bus company Chris. From what I gather Billy had been suspicious of at least her cheating on him, however I am unsure if he knew it was Chris.

What we do know is that shortly before Billy went missing he had been on a vacation with Madeline in Florida. It was expressed by Billy’s family that they were surprised that Billy even went because he didn’t travel all that much. It was during this trip to Florida that Billy would catch Madeline getting phone calls from Chris while they were on vacation. Billy even at one point supposedly took her phone, and Madeline started yelling for the police. While I am sure there are other details to this, Billy cut his vacation short and came home. It seems as though Madeline’s vacation ended at the same time.

According to Madeline, in the early morning of August 24th, 2004 Billy showed up to Madeline’s house at around 4 am, put a ladder up to her window to talk to her. According to Madeline Billy wanted to get back together, which she said either no, or that she she had to think about it.

Sometime in the afternoon Billy made three calls to Chris, the last one leaving a voicemail that said “Chris, you better watch your back at all times.”

Later on August 24th, Billy would end up going to Burger King and get a Whopper meal at 2:59 pm. Sometime after that he asked his neighbor Roy if he could watch his dog while he went “up north for three days” to look at a car he was thinking about buying. This would be the last time that anyone was known to have talked to Billy Smolinski.

Billy’s family would try and file a report right away, but since Billy was an adult, and he had told someone that he was leaving, LE made them wait until August 27th to declare Billy missing.

In the following year not only would Madeline get caught tearing down his missing posters, and at some point Billy’s mother would get arrested for harassing Madeline. In January of 2005 Madeleine son Shaun Karpiuk, would die from an overdose. After doing a deeper dive into this case there are a few more people who died around this case that at the very least raises a few eye brows. Even someone who has told police he knew were Billy was buried, and the police even doing a few digs. Though I am not going to get into that now to keep this post simple and make my points.

None of this makes any sense.

For one, Billy had just asked Mary Ellen Noble to watch his dog while he went to Florida with another woman. Why would Billy ask his neighbor Roy, who it has been expressed by some that Billy didn’t like Roy. So knowing all of that, why wouldn’t he call Mary Ellen again to watch his dog? She had been watching the dog for him two or three days before that…..

Secondly, how is it that Billy drives over to Madeleine’s house in the middle of the night and gets a ladder to put it up to her window to talk to her, but has no problem calling Chris at work to threaten him? This would mean Billy got up in the middle of the night, drove to her house in a different town, either found the ladder or brought it with him (because he knew the doors would be locked??? Or as if they dated for a year and he didn’t have a key???)

So this is where I am going to get into pure speculation. Not to try and sway anyone to think what I think, but just to get a little more attention to Billy’s case.

If you have ever had a drug person in your family you would know what I am talking about. It is a disease that causes people to do things they normally wouldn’t do if they weren’t addicted to drugs. Especially heroin. This is a reason to keep your doors locked. Things sometimes just disappear and suddenly someone has money for drugs and you don’t see them for a week.

Now here is Billy, a car guy that always has a car in the yard that he is working on, probably sells them for cash. Might even keep cash in the house. Might of even had a wad of cash on him that he expected to spend on vacation in Florida.

So let me ask you, what seems more probable. Billy showing up to Madeleine’s house in the middle of the night and getting a ladder? Or her son, who probably couldn’t afford a cell phone, going to his mother for help, and putting the ladder up (probably because he knew where it was kept) and getting her attention for one reason or another?

So let me ask this. Is it possible that Madeleine was tearing down Billy’s missing posters to protect her own son? Is it possible that over the year that Billy and Madeleine dated, that Shaun and Billy became friends and Shaun knew where Billy kept cash in the house?

Either way, Billy’s mother is still trying to get attention to her sons case. So thank you for taking the time to read this.

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