Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Where is Vanessa Morales?

On Friday November 29th 2019 Christine Holloway picked up her New used 2017 Ford Focus from the dealership with her daughter Vanessa Morales, and her boyfriend Jose Morales. After leaving the dealership they stopped at Jose’s parents house in New Haven. While I am not sure for the reason or duration of that visit from there Christine and Vanessa went back to 6 ½ Myrtle Ave in Ansonia, Ct. While Jose left and went to a guy named Hector’s.The reason for going to Hector’s apartment was so that the two of them could go to Bridgeport, Ct to pick up some PCP. Then they returned to Hector’s apartment and smoked some of the drug. Around 10 that Friday night Jose got a phone call and left to head to Christine's house in Ansonia, Ct.

There is no way to know exactly what happened in 6 ½ Myrtle Ave after this because the only person who really knows the answers to that question is Jose Morales. What we do know is that Christine stopped communicating not communicated with anyone via her phone starting on Saturday November 30th. The day after getting her new car. This is one of those things that is hard to wrap your mind around. I know personally that if I got a new car I would have at least made an excuse to drive it to the store, but I guess that everyone is different. Like I said the only person that really knows is Jose Morales and he doesn’t come off exactly truthful.

Come Monday morning December 2, 2019 Christine nor Vanessa showed up to the day care where Christine was employed, and Vanessa where Vanessa attended. After her coworkers not being able to get a hold of her, Ansonia police were called to do a welfare check on her home at 6 ½ Myrtle Ave. Which is small apartment above a garage that she rented. Which had it’s own private entrance. Body cam footage shows Christine’s new Ford Focus parked outside, however no one answered the door. Police would end up leaving and contacting the Christine’s family. It was shortly after police left 6 ½ Myrtle Ave that Jose was seen leaving by a neighbor.

Around 7:30 that night Christine’s Brother and his Girlfriend showed up to the Ansonia police department stating that they had not been able to get a hold of Christine. They told police that they had gone to Jose’s parents house to ask if he had seen Christine. To which Jose said that he had seen Christine and Vanessa leave that morning for daycare, and he left at the same time. After 8 pm that night Police gained entry into 6 ½ Myrtle Ave and found Christine's lifeless body. Eventually Jose would be taken in and questioned before being arrested and ultimately charged with Christine Holloway's murder. To this day Vanessa has never been found.

This is where things start to get a little strange. During the investigation it was found that Jose had called 911 at 1:52am on Sunday 12/1/2019. The only thing that can be heard is Jose saying Myrtle Ave into the phone. After the call was enhanced a females voice can be heard in the background saying “Stop. Hang up. Who are you calling?” Between Vanessa being missing still, and this phone call, it may be possible that she is still alive.

But maybe not. In this laypersons opinion I am not convinced that Jose is the type of person who would be able to hand off a child to someone, and that it has been kept a secret for nearly 5 years now. Nor do I think he would have sold her because he didn’t run. I could be wrong, but he just doesn’t come off that way. What I think he did was try to rip off someone for drugs

What I speculate is that he had called someone for drugs with no intention of paying them. When they started beating the crap out of him he called 911 and was saying “Myrtle Avenue” so the cops would come to that area and scare the people off. Jose would eventually tell the police that people had tried to enter the apartment at 6 ½ Myrtle Ave and beat him up. Which is why he had called 911. With all of the other things that he was lying about, I doubt that anyone tried to attack him inside of his apartment. Also that Sunday he would be seen at a gas station where his card was declined for a pack of cigarettes. I mean if you had come to, why didn’t you report the attack on Sunday, or Monday?

This is one of those situations where dumb luck seems to be at play. If you have never read into the Case of Jenifer Kesse, there is a perpetrator seen dropping off her car on video, however in all of the frames, their face just happens to be blocked by a fence. The woman who can be heard on the 911 call might be a person who won’t come forward because they could be arrested for dealing drugs. Giving Jose room to create doubt. This is one of those things that I think the state would give immunity for testifying against him, but that is just an opinion.

Without that person coming forward, or Vanessa being found, this could make it rather difficult for the state to gain justice to the level that is appropriate. For what happened to Christine at the very least. While I hope that Vanessa is still alive, I wonder if Jose did something else to her.

Whatever happened to Vanessa, if she lived or is something else, she should be placed with her mother, or back into the hands of people that Christine trusted. Everyday since that weekend is just another theft of a mothers love for her child, and needs of a child for that love. It is an act of selfishness for both Jose and the woman on the 911 call not to be truthful with police.

I hope one day that Vanessa is found.

Thanks for reading,



Thursday, July 11, 2024

Billy Smolinski. Missing since 2004.

I want to start here with this just because it is note worthy. This is the first and only case that I have found where I have heard anything like this. Here is a person’s mother looking for their child, and here is Billy Smolinski’s most recent ex-girlfriend, who is a mother of 5, ripping down his missing posters. Billy Smolinski’s mother would eventually get arrested for harassing her sons former girlfriend for get this…. Putting up the missing posters…... to harass her. I still to this day find it shocking.

Let’s get into Billy’s case a little more before we come back to this because the case in itself is pretty strange. So since I started at sort of a middle point, let me dial this all the way back because this case usually told from the perspective of LE. What I mean by that is the investigation starts a few days after he was last seen, and that is not for a lack of trying on the family’s part.

So what I have gathered about Billy was that he was a hard working car guy. Usually had more than one job, and also buying cars on the side, fixing them up and then selling them. He was 31 at the time he went missing and owned his own home. He had separated from his long time girlfriend Mary Ellen Noble a year or more before which was described as mutual. Since Billy and Mary Ellen Noble had gotten the dog while they were together, Billy would call her to take care of the dog while he was away. (This is significant because mary Ellen Noble was watching the dog while Billy and Madeline were on vacation in Florida.

One of Billy’s jobs was working at a bus company. Whether or not they had met while working at the bus company together I am unsure of that fact, but they did work there together at the bus company during their relationship. What makes this significant is that Madeline (Billy’s more recent girlfriend) had been cheating on him with their boss from the bus company Chris. From what I gather Billy had been suspicious of at least her cheating on him, however I am unsure if he knew it was Chris.

What we do know is that shortly before Billy went missing he had been on a vacation with Madeline in Florida. It was expressed by Billy’s family that they were surprised that Billy even went because he didn’t travel all that much. It was during this trip to Florida that Billy would catch Madeline getting phone calls from Chris while they were on vacation. Billy even at one point supposedly took her phone, and Madeline started yelling for the police. While I am sure there are other details to this, Billy cut his vacation short and came home. It seems as though Madeline’s vacation ended at the same time.

According to Madeline, in the early morning of August 24th, 2004 Billy showed up to Madeline’s house at around 4 am, put a ladder up to her window to talk to her. According to Madeline Billy wanted to get back together, which she said either no, or that she she had to think about it.

Sometime in the afternoon Billy made three calls to Chris, the last one leaving a voicemail that said “Chris, you better watch your back at all times.”

Later on August 24th, Billy would end up going to Burger King and get a Whopper meal at 2:59 pm. Sometime after that he asked his neighbor Roy if he could watch his dog while he went “up north for three days” to look at a car he was thinking about buying. This would be the last time that anyone was known to have talked to Billy Smolinski.

Billy’s family would try and file a report right away, but since Billy was an adult, and he had told someone that he was leaving, LE made them wait until August 27th to declare Billy missing.

In the following year not only would Madeline get caught tearing down his missing posters, and at some point Billy’s mother would get arrested for harassing Madeline. In January of 2005 Madeleine son Shaun Karpiuk, would die from an overdose. After doing a deeper dive into this case there are a few more people who died around this case that at the very least raises a few eye brows. Even someone who has told police he knew were Billy was buried, and the police even doing a few digs. Though I am not going to get into that now to keep this post simple and make my points.

None of this makes any sense.

For one, Billy had just asked Mary Ellen Noble to watch his dog while he went to Florida with another woman. Why would Billy ask his neighbor Roy, who it has been expressed by some that Billy didn’t like Roy. So knowing all of that, why wouldn’t he call Mary Ellen again to watch his dog? She had been watching the dog for him two or three days before that…..

Secondly, how is it that Billy drives over to Madeleine’s house in the middle of the night and gets a ladder to put it up to her window to talk to her, but has no problem calling Chris at work to threaten him? This would mean Billy got up in the middle of the night, drove to her house in a different town, either found the ladder or brought it with him (because he knew the doors would be locked??? Or as if they dated for a year and he didn’t have a key???)

So this is where I am going to get into pure speculation. Not to try and sway anyone to think what I think, but just to get a little more attention to Billy’s case.

If you have ever had a drug person in your family you would know what I am talking about. It is a disease that causes people to do things they normally wouldn’t do if they weren’t addicted to drugs. Especially heroin. This is a reason to keep your doors locked. Things sometimes just disappear and suddenly someone has money for drugs and you don’t see them for a week.

Now here is Billy, a car guy that always has a car in the yard that he is working on, probably sells them for cash. Might even keep cash in the house. Might of even had a wad of cash on him that he expected to spend on vacation in Florida.

So let me ask you, what seems more probable. Billy showing up to Madeleine’s house in the middle of the night and getting a ladder? Or her son, who probably couldn’t afford a cell phone, going to his mother for help, and putting the ladder up (probably because he knew where it was kept) and getting her attention for one reason or another?

So let me ask this. Is it possible that Madeleine was tearing down Billy’s missing posters to protect her own son? Is it possible that over the year that Billy and Madeleine dated, that Shaun and Billy became friends and Shaun knew where Billy kept cash in the house?

Either way, Billy’s mother is still trying to get attention to her sons case. So thank you for taking the time to read this.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Is it possible that D.B. Cooper lived?


The basics of what we already know.

On November the 24th, 1971 a man identifying himself only as Dan Cooper bought a ticket at the airport in Portland going for a short jump up to Seattle, Washington. Once in the air, he gave one of the flight attendants a note saying that he had a bomb, and that he wanted her to come and sit next to him. Over the next few hours he would keep the passengers completely in the dark about what was going on, as well as write notes for some of his demands, and had the presence of mind to ask for them back afterwards. It also seems as though he knew never to go near the cockpit, perhaps that is because he had some knowledge of cockpit voice recorders.

He demanded 200k in cash and 4 parachutes. He had the plane stay in the sky while the FBI gathered the money and the parachutes. DB Cooper had the 727 stay at the end of the runway and keep all the shades on the plane closed. It was also at this time the plane got fuel. Long story short eventually the Cooper was satisfied that he had gotten what he demanded he released the passengers. After arguing about leaving the staircase down before takeoff, it remained closed and one of the flight attendants showed him how to open it.

He told the pilots to fly at a certain hight, and at a certain speed. Eventually opening the door and jumping from the plane.

While I could go into more detail here, I would rather get to the speculation. There is a lot of great information out there that is not going to biased like my opinion. Season 1 Episode 5 of the old Robert Stack Unsolved Mysteries does a great reenactment of the events for its time, and even has interviews with some of the flight attendants that spoke directly with DB Cooper. For more in depth information about this case I would start there.

The speculation…….

John Douglas, the FBI agent and the author of Mindhunter, picked up from a bank robber that he was selective about choosing which banks to rob. He called this in some way profiling, and he applied the idea to serial offenders. With a lot of success and has left me wondering a bunch of times after reading his book, how did he fucking that…. Like the double breasted suit. How?

Anyway, not to get to off topic.

Have you ever put yourself there? Walking down this stair case, 10,000 feet above the earth, going around 200 mph. How the fuck did he even know where he was?

Now lets go back to the profiling. What if he did know where he was? Then is that possible?

I recently watched the series band of brothers. If you haven’t seen it I can promise you this, you will go through a world of emotions contemplating what these people went through. It also gives you that glimpse into being there. Inside one of those “flying tin cans” with a parachute strapped to your back, at night so the enemy cant see you. Way back in the 1940’s when things weren't don’t by sophisticated computers. Relaying on a navigator to go by land marks of light, the speed of the plane and a compass to gather your location. Letting you know when it is time to jump to coordinate your movements with others on the ground. We did in fact train people to do this.

Now this is 1971, the estimates of Coopers age was mid 40’s. Even at 45 in 1971, would make you 15 in 1941. Which is the same year as Pearl Harbor. Since this is a guess of his age, lets just say he was 17? Cooper could have joined the military any time after Pearl Harbor, as people were known to lie about their age to be able to serve.

So if DB Cooper was a navigator in World War 2 and had lived through however many flights, he was probably really good at it, and also trained to be able to jump out of a plane going this speed. With actual jumps under his belt as well.

If you consider this with some of things that were going on around that time with some of things he said it makes you wonder. Boeing at that time was laying off thousands in the Seattle area. If you were consider that not only this person might have been ex military, and worked at a Boeing factory for 20 plus years after the war only to get laid off, you might have a grudge. Which is maybe why he said “I don’t have a grudge with your airline, I just have a grudge.”

To be clear I am not saying this is what happened, but after all of these years it might be valid to ask these questions. So my other question I wanted to speculate on is, did he live?

The money found on Tena Bar may shed some insight that speaks to if Cooper lived. Along with the fact that they never found him, and he even may have sent a letter to the press saying he was on some island.

The 3 wads of cash were all found together on Tena bar in Washington. The cash was bound separately in 3 piles with three rubber bands. They were not bound together. Which logic dictates that it is more probable that it was placed there by someone rather than floated down the river. Also there were some tests about how long the rubber bands could have gone in that environment without breaking down, and it was only a couple of years.

So to me it at least seems possible that the money was keep from the elements for a significant time before being placed there intentionally to be found. I would guess intentionally for a couple of reasons. One to let people know that he lived and/or to see if he could ever actually spend the money.

Thanks for reading.

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